Thursday, August 11, 2005

Latte Sippers From Left AND Right

Living in sunny San Antonio, I realised pretty quickly that it was only a matter of time before the rest of Texas caught up with this city and Americans of hispanic ethnicity became the majority. Well, it has now come to pass.


The hispanic-americans I know work damn hard - often at heavy, dirty manual jobs. The hispanics who came to America illegaly work even harder at even dirtier manual jobs, in the main. The do more sweating, for less wages and no benefits, than any descendant of other immigrants working in an air-conditioned office ever did.

Now, I thought America was all about hard work and trying to better yourself.

But it seems that fear always becomes hate in a small segment of people. They should quit complaining and get off their asses and do some real work for a change. Maybe landscaping in a Texan summer or somesuch. That would give them a new-found appreciation for hard-working people who only want better things for themselves and their families and do what they can to provide it, I guarantee it.

I tell you, it isn't the "latte-sipping liberals" that are the problem in this country - its the latte-sippers FULL STOP - on both left and right. The latte-sipping conservatives are just as bad. All of them divorced from the reality of a tough life at or below minimum wage and all thinking they can look down upon and pontificate to people (of any race, color or religion) who do real work. Get the fuck over yourselves and go drink some real coffee.