Friday, August 12, 2005

Sane Conservative Backs Sheehan

Via PSoTD, I come to this post. It's excellent writing - neat, incisive and heartfelt. Go read it.

Here's a snippet to whet your appetite:

If one needed any further proof that this incarnation of "Republicans" and alleged conservatives includes a faction that has gone completely and tragically over the edge, the smear campaign against Cindy Sheehan is it.
There are so many side issues of shamelessness and crass opportunism in this story it makes my head spin. Think about the gall of a political and media machine "accusing" a private citizen of changing her mind (imagine that!) about an elected and supposedly accountable public official. When did a private citizen supposedly changing her opinion about something rise to the same level as a flip-flop about firing anyone involved in the leaking a CIA agent's name? At what point did the ability to change one's mind about a politician become something to be ridiculed and accused of instead of cherished as a basic right? And it's not as if in the past year we haven't learned anything about the pre-war manipulation of intelligence, as well as the incompetent planning, that resulted in the death of Cindy Sheehan's son and thousands of others like him.

Something else about this story that infuriates me is the vision of feckless, smarmy smearsters and cowards hiding behind keyboards in cities like Washington and New York (and yes, Miami), punching out electronic missives in a pathetic and desperate attempt to impugn the integrity of a woman sitting in the dust and August heat of Texas---a woman who, along with her dead son, embodies everything that's right about this country. The growing division between the professional class of spinning punditry and the vast expanse of Middle America that actually does the working, the fighting and the dying so the pundits can spend their time chattering has never been more clear than with this story.

See, it is the latte-sippers of both Left AND Right that are the problem!

Oh, btw, if you look carefully about halfway down the 100 or so congratulatory comments you will see someone called Noah simply says "Amen. Perfectly said."

Thats Noah Shachtman of DefenseTech - part of the empire - who has just returned from Iraq himself where he was imbedded with a unit of US troops. There can surely be little higher praise on such a subject than such words from such an expert.

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