Sunday, April 08, 2007

When The Pope Talks to God

by shamanic

Happy Easter, everyone! I hope you're spending a lazy day with your family reflecting on the important things in life. Things like NewsHog.

AP runs with (and CNN fronts with) a recap of Pope Benedict's "Urbi et Orbi" Easter message, in which he reflected on the suffering in the world and highlighted many trouble spots. Of Iraq, the Pope is reported to have said that "nothing positive" is happening there. He also noted growing instability in Afghanistan.

As a child of the later years of the Cold War, there's something unsettling to me about America's foreign policy being at odds with the larger goals of the Catholic Church. I'm not Catholic, but I grew up in an era when all of the moral forces of the world were aligned against the common enemy of communism. This led to abuses (in Asia and Latin America in particular), but overall, there was a singular moral effort to topple one type of despot, and not merely a military or statecraft-diplomatic effort.

Maybe this is the standard "back in the day" speech that everyone can give about any particular thing from their younger years. Or maybe my country really should seek a foreign policy and a level of international relations that allows for a united moral front in the ongoing struggle against theocratic extremism, violent jihadism, and the repression of women in the name of religion.

But that's politics. This is my Easter message to you: May today be a day of peace and comfort for you and yours. Happy Easter, everyone.

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