Thursday, March 29, 2007

McCain And A Blogger, Sittin' In A Tree...

John Hindraker (fellates hearts) John McCain, suggesting he is "the Lincoln of our time" because McCain has a petition going online calling Democrat moves to put a timeline on the occupation of Iraq "a refusal to acknowledge the dire consequences of failure".

Never mind a progressive perspective that says McCain's assertions are simply the repitition of a simplistic, linear Rightwing tale that would maybe impress a third grader.

On the extreme Right's own term, McCain is a "cheese eating surrender monkey". His idea to handle the Iranian detention of British seamen is that Britain should start a war with Iran while the US cheers on it's staunchest ally from the sidelines.

Usually I would expect to be very much at odds with Dean Barnett, but today I'm right there with him. Excellent snark:
I’m practically speechless. Lincoln? Hell, why stop with Lincoln? Why not just say John McCain is the perfect amalgamation of Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, King Leonidas, Zeus, Achilles and Apollo when it comes to the war on terror. Go all in I say.

By the way, a damp micro fiber cloth will get coffee off of an LCD monitor.

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