Saturday, March 24, 2007

India Calls NPT A "Fraud Treaty"

Does it strike anyone as odd that The Security Council can meet to consider tighter sanctions on Iran for "violating" the NPT on the same day that the Indian External Affairs Minister can call that treaty a fraud?
"If India did not sign the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), it is not because of its lack of commitment for non-proliferation, but because we consider NPT as a fraud treaty and it did not recognise the need for universal, non-discriminatory verification and treatment," Mukherjee said.
India gets nuclear aid for never joining and already has nukes, Iran gets sanctions for violating a voluntary additional protocol and doesn't have nukes. Go figure.

Although the Indian minister is right about the discrimanatory inspections. Only the Johnny-come-lately's of the Treaty nuclear powers must submit to intrusive inspections. The original powers - the US, UK, France, Russia and China - get exactly no inspection regimes whatsoever.

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