Monday, August 14, 2006

More On Security Theatre

Thanks to "Start The Revolution" blog for pointing out the obvious - so obvious I hadn't thought of it myself:
We have airport security staff pouring bottles of what we are told are potentially lethal explosives that could have caused "death and destruction on a massive scale" into open dustbins in crowded airports. None of that Hollywood-style blue wire/red wire suspense...Nope, just pour it all into a bin and make an enormous "dirty bomb".
We've all seen the news footage and he's right. I suppose the theory was that all the water and gatorade would dilute any explosives beyond usefulness...but suppose the first three bottles had been explosives. The experts are saying some possible recipes would be so volatile they would go off if looked at wrong.

Meanwhile, the UK has downgraded the threat level from "Critical" (Imminent) to "Severe" (Highly Likely). John Reid said "the change in the threat level does not mean that the threat has gone away"...but is it "highly likely" right now John? According to a government statement passengers will be allowed a single item of carry-on luggage the plan is to continue pouring possibly-explosive liquids into big bins for the forseeable future. That'll help, eh?

Oh, and the GOP are planning to push for even more draconian laws to stifle civil liberties - all in the pursuit of scared voters the war on some terror - here in the U.S. of A.

Security As Theatre, indeed. "The Rocky-Politicians Horror Picture Show".

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