Thursday, August 11, 2005

Sheehan Smeared

Question: has a Drudge "exclusive" ever turned out to be the real deal?

Media Matters for America has the details of how Michelle Malkin helped make outright misquotes and lies by Drudge into primetime Fox-fodder.

Go read it.

Why do conservatives continue to quote such hacks?

Michelle is not for apologising either. While I agree that Cindy Sheehan's protest is being hijacked by the extreme latte-sipping-left (As opposed to the extreme working-class-left), Ms. Malkin doesn't seem to realise that she is as far to the extreme wingnut right as those she castigates are to the moonbat left. Neither actually get anything real accomplished, being too concerned with yelling at each other from opposite ends of the playground.

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