Sunday, January 16, 2005

Newshog 16-01-2005

It is becoming a contest; will George W. be worst remembered for the Iraq as Vietnam re-run debacle, the Social Security reform scam or his hubris over his coronation? Post your comments.

  • One of the big news stories this week is that the search for Saddam's WMD is now officially over and none have been found.

  • Fresh evidence has emerged of the extent of destruction and appalling conditions in Falluja, still deserted two months after a major US offensive against the insurgent stronghold. Here is a clip from the movie.

  • News from through the looking glass: A former Marine Staff Sergeant and veteran of Iraq says the US intention is "commiting genocide".

  • A 19-year-old US Marine committed 'suicide by cop' rather than return to Iraq, police said Tuesday.

  • The damage wrought by the construction of an American military base in the ruins of the ancient city of Babylon must rank as one of the most reckless acts of cultural vandalism in recent memory.

  • With US soldiers dying in Iraq, he could have kept it low-key. Instead, he wants $40m worth of balls, parades, bad food and military display. A Texas-style coronation, no less.

  • Remind yourself why war is so horrible. It isn't just the dead, it's the heroic wounded. Here is a link to the 'Purple Hearts' website. Warning, the pictures there may be upsetting, especially if you happen to be a chickenhawk coward who is more than willing to let others fight for what you believe in.

  • Bush’s reelection ignites religious Right - Do God's work by waging war in Iraq, and don't worry about the environment since the "end of days" is near. The FBI have long ago documented the network "Christian Identity" and it's links to homegrown terrorists.

  • "I am Sgt Kevin Benderman and these are the chronological events that led me to conclude that I had no other choice than to refuse the deployment order to Iraq."

  • The crises crisis - this administration acquired its credibility problems the old-fashioned way, it earned it. For the next four years, when you hear that something is a crisis, hold on to your wallet and demand a reality check.

  • Unable to deliver on its lofty goal of bringing democracy to Iraq through the Jan. 30 elections, the Bush administration is pressing a damage-control campaign to lower expectations for the vote.

  • Making a list, checking it twice - who are those bucking their party line on Social Security reform, and what can be done to move them in the right direction?

  • THE CIA has predicted that the European Union will break-up within 15 years unless it radically reforms its ailing welfare systems. Sounds like they are shilling for the Bush agenda again to me.

  • Two US defence contracting firms being sued over allegations of abuse at Abu Ghraib prison have been awarded new multi-million dollar contracts by the Pentagon.

  • TCF Bank pulls advertising from the Star Tribune over the Nick Coleman/Power Line shouting match.

  • Thanks to Shirrin and Shadows for various links.

Quote of the Day:

A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you're looking down, you can't see something that's above you.
C.S. Lewis

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