Friday, September 07, 2007

More Gray Hairs

I have to be approaching Medicare age in blogger years soon, as I forgot about my first day of blogging at the old Fester's Place. I started that blog up in September 2003 when I was fresh out of graduate school, sitting around in the middle of a job recession, working a dead end quasi-public service position, hoping to get 20 hits a day and dating an amazing woman. Now I married that amazing woman, adapted two cats, working an interesting and rewarding job with some great co-workers, and writing with a great team where a bad day is under 1,000 hits. Not a bad couple of years.

I have definately changed my topic areas over the past couple of years from an economic and policy analysis focus with a specific focus on urban economics to a broader analytical and foreign policy focus as that is where the combination of my interests, good hooks and the audiences are. I have shied away from making economic calls, as I understand the micro and the macro stuff well enough from the equations side, but what my gut is telling me and what is happening has been consistently varied. Oh well, just another couple of blog years and I'll be able to retire to the farm out in the country where my family's German Shephard went when I was eight years old.

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