Friday, April 20, 2007

Finally, Someone Said It

By Cernig

Harry Reid has finally said what every politician in America has been too scared to say - the US has already lost the war in Iraq. It has been lost for some time now, surge or no surge. Of course, and as I'm sure he knew he would, he's taking all kinds of flack from the extreme Right.

Even so, the more sensible of the Right are having to nuance their attacks. Rick Moran, for instance, after saying he doesn't think the situation in Iraq is yet lost gives several reasons why "the news is not so good", all to do with the Malki governments' failings. He then writes:
How can you possibly justify continuing to vote for a war that you believe is hopelessly lost? Our young men are dying in numbers not seen since the first weeks of the war and the Democrats are cowering in the corner, afraid of their own political shadow. The only option open to the Democrats if they truly believe the war is “lost” is to scrap the deal on the emergency supplemental and only vote for funds that would withdraw American troops from combat. It is a mystery why they are hesitating in this regard. The most recent Gallup poll shows that nearly 70% of Americans agree with Harry Reid – that the surge is a failure. How much more political cover do you need? When are you people going to grow a set and stand up for your principles rather than try more trickery and back door shenanigans?

To use the excuse that the Republicans will “blame” the Democrats for the lost war is unbelievable. If you really believe the war is lost our boys are dying for nothing and you’re concerned with your own political hides? For shame, I say! Besides, that excuse works only if you believe the American people are stupid and will have forgotten the last four years of mistake after mistake made by the Administration in Iraq. This is not likely which means your fear of voter retribution only makes you look more spineless.

There is nothing inherently unpatriotic in believing that we’ve lost in Iraq. But by refusing to act on this belief, the Democrats have revealed themselves to be traitors to their own conscience.
I couldn't agree more, Rick. Indeed, your post echoes exactly what many progressives, my blog-partner Fester among them, have been saying about Dems on the Hill for months now.

But here's the thing. Someone in the upper echelons of US politics had to be the first to say it and it was never going to be easy. Harry Reid at least had the guts to do that and has now made it possible for other politicians to say it without being the first. Hopefully, he will now go back to his fellow Democrats on the Hill and tell them "look, when Rick Moran agrees with the Kossacks that you have to take a stand or lose all credibility...then you have to take a stand."

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