Thursday, November 30, 2006

Britney Crotch Shot Takes Down Conservative Blogger

Best of luck if you were hoping to read James Joyner's "Outside The beltway" blog today. Here's his last post:
OTB and especially our Gone Hollywood sideblog have been getting swamped with traffic the last couple of days and it’s quite literally overheating our dedicated server. We had an outage yesterday afternoon and are operating quite sluggishly now and it’s not even 9 a.m. on the East Coast yet, which means the peak traffic is yet to come.
Apparently, it has something to do with a flabby-thighed crotchshot of pop-slag Britney Spears.

I feel sorry for you, James, I truly do. All those social conservatives burning up your server just so that they know how wicked the secular and lib'rul world can be....

(OK, I'm done laughing now. I hope OTB is back to ummm...full flow...soon, James. Sheesh, the number of dumb jokes and cheap shots I could be milking here...)

((OK, I'm really done laughing now. James knows I respect the hell out his poliblogging.))

Update James says it was all a coincidence. It seems it was unknown server issues that took down OTB, not Conservative CrotchWatch. OTB is now back to full mast.

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