Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Nation Asks The Damn Question!

Katrina Vanden Huevel, editor of The Nation, goes where ostrichlike liberal bloggers fear to tread:
"The actions of the Executive branch have a real and powerful impact on our lives. We simply cannot afford a "unitary executive" who silences independent voices, lets politics determine science, threatens our first amendment rights, withholds critical information from even enforcement personnel, and elevates personal loyalty to him above the duty to inform the public.

The American people's most powerful weapon in defending the Constitution is their vote in Presidential elections. But we cannot afford to wait until 2008. The danger to our Constitution is clear and present. Hence our call to all patriots to put the issue before the public in this November's elections and ask of all candidates, 'Do you accept or condemn the President's assault on our Constitution?'" [Emphasis Mine]
I have to admit, that's far better than my version of the damn question. It's about time someone prominent had the gumption to say it out loud.

In a clear jab at the Dem Hawks who would like to move to the Right of the GOP on foreign policy - and who if elected are just as likely as the Republicans to continue Bush's monarchical ways - she goes on to say that those who will not ask or answer the damn question because they think that the defense of the Constitution is a losing issue politically - one the populace has less interest in than their "national security" from Osama bin Forgotten - do their nation a disservice:
They should have more faith in the American people. Given a clear choice, Americans will choose defenders of the Constitution over those who would destroy it. But the choice must be put clearly before them.

Declare our current crisis, and invite those who would serve as our elected representatives to defend the Constitution against our current President and an accomplice Republican Party.
Great stuff. Go read it all.

(H/T The Sideshow)

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