Sunday, July 17, 2005

Bush Played Politics At The Cost Of British Lives

Juan Cole had a deeply disturbing post on Friday which suggests very strongly that Georgie had his people deliberately out a British double-agent, the very first that was placed highly in the Al Qaida to Britain connection, in order to justify creating a security alert during the Democratic National Convention last year. In so doing, he destroyed British intelligence's best source for information which could have prevented the London Bombings of 7/7.

For the sake of three year old intelligence, the Bush administration had helped blow the first inside double agent the Pakistanis and the British had ever developed. The British had been preparing a set of indictments and pursuing the investigation, in part by using Khan. They were forced to move before they were ready. Some suspects escaped on hearing Naeem Noor Khan's in the media. Of those who were arrested, several had to be released for lack of evidence against them.

Muhammad Sadique Khan, one of the July 7 bombers, was apparently connected to one of the suspects under surveillance in early August, 2004.
The connection to the Noor Khan plot helps explain why Tony Blair and Jack Straw were so unequivocal about July 7 having been an al-Qaeda operation so soon after the blasts.

It also helps explain why Bush was so fast out of the UK following the attacks. He knew he was partly responsible for the deaths of 51 innocent Londoners. You can keep your Karl Rove nonsense - this leak was far more criminal. Read the list of the dead at the NY Times in an article titled "Lost in Bombings, Diverse and Promising Lives".

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