Sunday, May 22, 2005

Angels, Aliens and Bloggers

The blogging Right are all over this article today, entitled Leaving the left
and written by one Keith Thompson.

Before they gave it such unadulterated hugs and love, perhaps they should have googled Thompson's cited book, Angels and Aliens. I suspect they would have thought twice about calling his post "A Lefty who has seen reality and determined it's not on the Left".

Here's a couple of quotes:

"Angels are also a component of a broader mythopoetic fabric in our lives, argues writer Keith Thompson in his 1991 work Angels and Aliens: UFOs and the Mythic Imagination. Indeed, historical and present day accounts of flying saucers and visitors from space have a striking resemblance to stories about angelic apparitions. Like the aliens, angels come from a sky-realm, perhaps another "plane" of existence, and are capable of marvelous deeds. They give wisdom --often warnings of impending calamity -- and leave the recipient in a transformed state of consciousness. In contemporary UFO lore, even Biblical accounts such as Ezechiel's tale of supernatural encounter, could be explained by the presence of aliens."

"But the idea that ufology involves "mythology" doesn't mean I dismiss the reality of UFOs, although some readers thought that was what I was saying. All of life has a mythological dimension, and the UFO phenomenon is no exception."

Yes, I know I am also an editor at the Daily Grail website and therefore I am supposed to accept belief in UFO's, bigfoot and all manner of X-files stuff. However, it also means I think twice before accepting someone's opinion of politics if I know they have an off-the-wall belief elsewhere. Thompson's belief is in pan-dimensional beings that account for both angels and aliens. That's maybe a bit too rich even for a Daily Grail editor and a practising Wiccan to boot.

But, those who may still want to say Mr. Thompson has "seen reality" are, of course, welcome to do so. At Daily Grail we do not discriminate in our tinfoil hat wearing.

Lastly, however, Keith Thompson has a blog, wherein it is revealed that his conversion to the Right is not all that recent - about 3 years at least judging by the posts. And this is news worth blogging now why exactly?

Get real.

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