Thursday, April 14, 2005

Unicorns and Bible Literalism

Next time you are in a conversation with someone who takes every single word of the Bible as the literal word of God, ask them about unicorns.

According to Charles W. Hedrick, distinguished professor emeritus of religious studies at Southwest Missouri State University, unicorns were in the Bible right up until the 19th century, when the word that had been translated as "unicorn" began to be translated as "wild ox" instead. The Greek Orthodox Church still has unicorns because they say the original translation was divinely inspired.

Hedrick says:

Once I asked a college class if they believed unicorns existed. They replied that unicorns had never existed — such is the influence of the Enlightenment on Western culture. When I pointed out that unicorns were in the Bible until the 19th century (and still are in some Bibles), most students changed their minds — such is the influence of the Bible in modern life.

So what do you think? Were Christians misled by their Bibles for 1,900 years, or do unicorns really exist?

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