Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Single Group Spams FCC

A single rightwing pressure group, the Parents Television Council, sent 99.8 percent of 240,000 complaints to the FCC in 2003. Many different bloggers are commenting on this story, and it looks like the liberals may be about to fight back. A popular suggestion on liberal sites is, says Greg over at The Talent Show:

"Since the FCC has apparently given the greenlight to any group with a political axe to grind to have their complaints taken seriously, perhaps we should find a worthy target of our own. Imagine if the combined might of the readerships of Kos, Atrios, and others were used to direct a torrent of complaints about, say, a homophobic diatribe on a religious broadcast station"

To work, any counter-campaign would have to be just as organised as the PTC is. It would need some script for a "Make an FCC Complaint" button just like the one on the Parents Television Council website. Participating sites could then add the button to their own templates. Here is an example of the kind of pre-set form PTC uses.

If anyone gets it together, please email me and I will add the button right away!

Update It occurs to me that if you wanted to complain to the FCC you could just use the link to the PTC's own standard form above. Just consider that should you complain about, say, extreme views on religious programs, then the PTV would get the blame or credit for it. Some would say that would be poetic justice but far be it from me to say so myself...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

>>direct a torrent of complaints about, say, a homophobic diatribe on a religious broadcast station

F#@k that kind of pointless semi-retribution. If I'm gonna bother, I want to complain to the FCC about the Fox News propaganda pulpit, with their smirking condescension after every (cut off/interrupted) word they allow from a progressive commentator.
