Monday, March 05, 2007

Political Bloggers Or Gossipmongers?

What the [expletive deleted] happened to the political blogosphere this week?

For instance, I've noticed that my post "rebutting" another bloggers contention that liberal blogs use more profanity than rightwing blogs has actually been taken seriously by some folks. One commenter even talked about the bias inherent in my method.

There was no method! It was an utterly unscientific bit of tomfoolery designed to show how stupid and juvenile the whole issue was. I could've just written "What a bunch of blatantly traffic-blegging trash" but decided to develop the point. As I wrote at the time, talking about Stephen Taylor's very sensible and sane debunk of the original blogger's method:
But I think I will try to get me some of that traffic-blegging snark instead - with tongue very firmly in cheek at all times.
And that's all it was - an unscientific parody of an unscientific original.

But now I'm beginning to get annoyed.

My meta-point, if you will, is that there's a lot of gossip masquerading as politics on poliblogs nowadays. Witness the latest screeds on Coulter and Maher, as if either of them matter a damn to the price of bread or where Iraq will be in a year. As I said in the post, it's all about shameless and incestuous traffic blegging rather than actually having a point.

And we (polibloggers) choose to castigate the MSM for spending so much time on Britney and Anna Nicole Smith?

You could build a [expletive deleted] bridge with the [expletive deleted] irony.

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