Sunday, March 18, 2007

Daniel Pearle's Convicted Killer To Appeal Based On KSM Confession

Here's the first fallout from Khalid Sheik Mohammed's mammoth confession of everything. Lawyers for the man who is currently on Pakistan's death row for beheading Daniel Pearle are to appeal his conviction based on KSM's confession that it was he "wot done it".
``I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city of Karachi, Pakistan,'' Mohammed told a military panel, according to a Pentagon transcript released Thursday. ``For those who would like to confirm, there are pictures of me on the Internet holding his head.''

In 2002, an anti-terrorism court in Karachi sentenced Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, a British-born militant, to death and gave three other men life in prison for involvement in Pearl's killing.

Rai Bashir a lawyer for Sheikh and the other three men said on Sunday that he will study the Pentagon documents on Mohammed's claim and file his confession as evidence to prove Sheikh's innocence.

``He has not abducted Daniel Pearl, and he, along with his co-accused, is innocent ... But now we are happy that this version has been verified by the Pentagon after the arrest of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,'' Bashir told AP Television News in a separate interview on Saturday.
Torture gives unreliable confessions. I wonder if the prosecutors will swallow any contradictions and give that as their case during the appeal?

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