Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The House That Jack Bought

There have been photos of George Bush which have included Jack Abramoff as a face in the crowd before. From the New York Times, February 12th, 2006:
The president's spokesman, Scott McClellan, said Friday that the presence of the lobbyist and Mr. Garza at the meeting, which was organized to thank a group of state legislators who supported the president's 2001 tax cut program, did not suggest that Mr. Abramoff had any special influence at the White House.

Mr. Bush has said he cannot recall having met Mr. Abramoff, though the White House has not disputed accounts that Mr. Abramoff visited the White House on several occasions.

Mr. McClellan said that Mr. Abramoff's name had not appeared on the invitation list of the May 2001 meeting and that it was unclear how the lobbyist had entered the White House grounds.
Either Dubya has senility problems that make Ronnie Reagan look like a Jeopardy champion or he's a lying toerag. This today via Crooks and Liars blog:

The picture was taken at a 2003 campaign fundraiser.

The excellent JackInTheHouse.org details Bush's ties to Abramoff, as well as all the other powerful GOP figures who were willing to bend over for Jack.

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