Thursday, January 11, 2007

Call That A Plan?

So I said I would wait until I had heard then read the transcript of the Bush speech on his new plan for Victory In Iraq v4.0 before I stated my definite opinion.

I did. I also read the lame powerpoint summary put out by the White House. (There has to be a powerpoint summary or the neocons tank-thinkers won't believe its a real plan.)

I thought about it. It sucks, it is crap, it will not work.

Why won't it work? For all the obvious reasons that I and others have been repeating for weeks. I've no intention of repeating them ad nauseam because they are so well known already that I shouldn't have to restate the case every time. Have a read over the vast range of punditry today on the subject. The only people who like the plan are the uber-right, who would like any plan for more war in Iraq and maybe even Iran, even if it involved roasting Iraqi babies on spits. The Iraqis don't want it, the main US allies don't want it, the Democrats and many Republicans don't want it, the majority (70%) of the American people don't want it.

As far as I can see, the plan is intended to fail. At which point there are two possible places the blame can land. (You didn't think it was going to land at Bush's desk, did you?) Firstly, the Iraqi government for not carrying through on the impossible benchmarks Bush has bullied it into accepting - at which point he will wash his hands and get the troops out before the next Republican presidential candidate has to answer any tough questions about what he will do to bring the troops home. Second, the Iranian government, so that the next Republican presidential candidate has an "evil empire" to scare the voters into voting GOP with and so as to keep the bloodthirsty uber-right onside with the prospect of another wonderful war against brown people.

To me, that's so obvious it shouldn't even be up for debate. Sometimes I get so tired.

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