Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Pakistan Offers To Clear The Field For Kashmiri Terrorists

Earl sent me this one:
NEW DELHI - Pakistan President Gen. Pervez Musharraf said Tuesday he is willing to give up its claim to all of Kashmir if India agrees that the disputed Himalayan region should become self-governing and largely autonomous.

Musharraf's office later sought to clarify the president's remarks, saying his offer was not unilateral but contingent on India doing the same. It also claimed Musharraf's remarks had been "twisted" out of context.

Musharraf said Pakistan would agree to predominantly Muslim Kashmir becoming an autonomous region, still technically divided between the two countries but with a porous border, and loosely administered by both nations, independent NDTV reported. His proposal also includes a staggered withdrawal of troops from the heavily militarized region, NDTV said.

Asked by NDTV, "So you are prepared to give up your claim to Kashmir?" Musharraf responded: "We will have to, yes, if this solution comes up."
My response was: Suuuurrrreeeee!.

They figure they would get it back within their effective control in fairly short order, same as they look like doing with their traditional satellite Afghanistan. Pakistan has consistently seen terror groups such as the Taliban and Kashmir's LeK as de facto extensions of Pakistani foreign policy. The Pakistani intelligence agency offers them aid and shelter at every turn with a long-term gameplan of establishing Pakistani-controlled government or alternatives to government in those neighbouring regions.

When Pakistan offers to give up funding, arming and even creating the terror groups in Kashmir, then maybe the peace process will get somewhere.

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