Saturday, November 25, 2006

Muslims Join Christians To Hate Da Vinci Code

Muslims and Christians in India have found a common cause - hating Dan Brown.
Roman Catholics in the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay) have received Muslim support in protests against the release of the movie, The Da Vinci Code.
Film censors have cleared the movie for release in India on 19 May.

An umbrella organisation of Islamic clerics in Mumbai have labelled the film as "blasphemous" because it spreads "lies" about Jesus Christ.

One Roman Catholic activist has gone on what he says is a "hunger strike until death" unless the film is banned.

"The Holy Koran recognises Jesus as a prophet. What the book says is an insult to both Christians and Muslims," Maulana Mansoor Ali Khan, general secretary of the All-India Sunni Jamiyat-ul-Ulema, told the Reuters news agency.

"Muslims in India will help their Christian brothers protest this attack on our common religious belief," he said.

His stance was supported by Syed Noori, president of Mumbai-based Raza Academy, a Muslim cultural organisation that organises protests on issues concerning Islam.

"If the government doesn't do anything, we will try our own ways of stopping the film from being shown," he said. "We are prepared for violent protests in India if needed."
Seriously,'s only the movie of a book. Not particularly well written and all the really juicy stuff has been in print for years. Get a f*cking grip!

As a pagan, I confess to feeling a bit smug right now. Despite years of seeing pagans portrayed as evil Satanic witches and sorcerers you never read about pagans using the word "blasphemy" about such nonsense. That's because we realize the Goddess has a Divine sense of humor and is a big enough girl to look after Herself. She doesn't need us to get all self-righteously indignant on her behalf...the notion of "blasphemy" is for those who think their Divine Being has the attitude and concerns of a spoiled kindergarten kid.

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