Friday, October 13, 2006

Swamp Goss

This is just about as funny as it gets. Remember the wolfpack of the uber-right howling for blood after the existence of secret CIA prisons for illegal renditions was leaked? Remember how many of the same pack were sure it was a conspiracy driven by a cabal of left-leaning highly placed CIA operatives who were working to undermine the Bush administration?

Well, it turns out the original "leak" came from former Republican congressman and Bush appointee as head of the CIA, Porter Goss.

Not that it was much of a leak - just some careless words followed by some good old-fashioned investigative journalism. Who needs satire when the uber-right and the Bush administration are willing to provide so much real life?

A reminder to the Republicans and to the nation that your administration doesn't need to be undermined if it is built on and from a swamp.

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