Sunday, October 15, 2006

If You Wanted To Rig The Republican Primary For '08

How would you go about it?

Remember, it has to look natural and you have all of the dirty tricks made common by Karl Rove at your fingertips.

Well, maybe first you would ensure that the "dark horse" candidate, George Allen, would be unacceptable to anyone who doesn't have robes made from bedsheets and a pillowcase in their closet.

Then, you could eliminate a whole bunch of minor leadership from the Senate and House GOP with a well-placed sex scandal which would show they enabled pedophilia and covered it up.

The frontrunner from the current administration would need to be thrown under a bus too so that if she ran, the opposition could call Condi's truthfulness into question.

If Bill Frist shot himself in the foot by suggesting the Taliban could be given a place in Afghanistan's government, that would be handy. Handier still if he can be convinced to flip after he flopped so that the world at large can know he isn't authentic and is willing to say anything to appease the GOP base.

Then if you could sic the Feds on Mitt Romney with an investigation into whether he might have lied about safety inspections on the Big Dig...

You'd be almost there.

That would leave the two frontrunners - John "false flag" McCain and teflon-coated Rudy G.

Rudy's too soft on the social issues but he would make an excellent ticket-mate who could "prove" how moderate the Republicans can be while at the same time allow McCain to move further to the right and capture the extremists of the religious and neocon factions.

There. Fait accomplis. But that would take a mastermind or an incredible set of coincidences...

Being honest, I don't really think there is such a masterplan, it is just the collapse of the GOP bearing fruit that the most politically accute are avoiding having land on them. But just the same, I wonder who Karl is really working for nowadays?

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