Friday, August 18, 2006

"Liquid Bomb" Kit Found At Last?

Anonymous police sources are telling the BBC that a suitcase has been found while searching a wood near High Wycombe.
A police source told the BBC the case contained "everything you would need to make an improvised device".

Other officers have confirmed only that a suitcase was found. Scotland Yard has not officially commented on any finds.

Some 49 residential and business premises and one area of woodland have been searched in connection with the inquiry, police say.

Of that total, 36 searches have finished and 14 are ongoing, including the search at the wood.
So, still no official statement on whether any explosives, precursor chemicals or detonator devices have been found.

Its becoming clearer by the day that, while there was certainly a plot and plotters, it was neither as big nor as "imminent" as the UK and US governments would have had us all believe.

Some of those arrested didn't even have passports. Others appear to have had plane tickets. I just don't buy the leaked official story that at the time of the arrests the plotters were planning a "dry run" followed by the real deal within days.

In this day and age, it is impossible unless you are a well-known public figure or wealthy businessman to fly to the US, turn around, fly back then try to fly to the US again within days. Especially if you happen to be in your teens or twenties and have a Moslem name. You simply wouldn't be allowed on the plane that second time. That the governments of the US and UK allow "anonymous sources" to officially leak and try to tell us otherwise is a testimony to how gullible they think we all are.

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