Monday, August 14, 2006

Caer Caradoc Found!

Huh? Caer where? WTF is a Caer?

I know this won't mean much to many readers, but to those history-geeks with an interest in ancient Britain (like me) it's big news. You see, Caer Caradoc was said to be the capitol of the original High Kings of all Britain back in Celtic times. From there, Caradoc himself fought the Romans. It is the site of the tomb of Uther Pendragon (King Arthur's supposed dad). It is where Merlin met Vortigern. It's a place out of myth.

And it is exactly where the ancient Welsh chronicles said it would be. Uther's tomb and all!

Full story, including a detailed explanation of why it's an awsome find and the history involved here, pics here.

Normal, non historygeek service will shortly be resumed. Right after I look at that amazing aerial photo again!

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