Sunday, July 02, 2006

Support The Geneva Convention

Kevin Drum has a great post up, short and to the point. Here it is in its entirety:
THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS....Jonah Goldberg today:

    If Democrats want terrorists to fall under the Geneva Convention let them say so. My guess is most won't, if they're smart.
Well, I'm a Democrat, and I'll say it: anyone we capture on a battlefield should be subject to the minimum standards of decency outlined in the Geneva Conventions. That includes terrorists. It's our way of telling the world that we aren't barbarians; that we believe in minimal standards of human decency even if our enemies don't. It's also a necessary — though not sufficient — requirement for winning this war.

I hope other Democrats are smart enough, decent enough, and dedicated enough to beating terrorism to say so too.
Hell, I'm not a Democrat and I will say it too!

As one of Kevin's commenters says:
If Republicans want the U.S. to no longer abide by the Geneva Conventions and want the U.S. to give formal notice that is withdrawing from the Geneva Conventions let them say so.

What Goldberg is arguing is essentially that, altghough he spins it as something else.
Let's see Republicans answer that question.

Blogswarm, anyone?

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