Friday, July 28, 2006

Charles Krauthammer - Just Dont Mention Those Countries!

Charles Krauthammer today expounds upon the inherent double standard of neoconservative policy while also proving he is dumb as a brick when it comes to international affairs and any knowledge of asymetric warfare.

He begins:
What other country, when attacked in an unprovoked aggression across a recognized international frontier, is then put on a countdown clock by the world, given a limited time window in which to fight back, regardless of whether it has restored its own security?
and then follows with some sheer ignorance about the actual precision of "precision-guided" weapons (a gap between advertising and reality that every military is well aware of) and some comparisons of State-actor apples with non-State oranges, before blurting out the neocon guiding principle:
When one is wantonly attacked by an aggressor, one has every right -- legal and moral -- to carry the fight until the aggressor is disarmed and so disabled that it cannot threaten one's security again.
Ok, Charles..."what other country?"

How about India, which is being told to cool it while Pakistan helps Islamist terrorists attack its people?

Or Afghanistan, which has the same problem with groups reviled by the civilized world but backed by Pakistan while the neocons look the other way?

Or Turkey, which has had over 30,000 of its citizens killed by Kurdish terrorists who now use Iraq as a safe haven and which has been warned off from taking pre-emptive action by the Bush administration?

Or even...wait for it...much reviled Iran, who must contend with PKK incursions from Iraq and worry about possible Mujahideen eKalq attacks - the MeK is a terror group which has attacked Americans, did Saddam's dirty work but still enjoys backing from many leading neocon warmongers and possibly even the Defense Department.

The neocon thinking that has backed the Bush administration's "all war all the time" zeal has always been a case of doing what they said rather than what they do. Now, as the neocon dog days set in, it is becoming increasingly obvious that they never intended their words to be universally applied or, by extension, for the American hegemon to be a benevolent one. That, more than even their utter inability to understand why they failed to deliver on their promises, is why they are two short years from being consigned, whimpering, to the pages of history. Let us all hope they don't manage to end history with a bang before then.

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