Monday, June 26, 2006

Comments on the Kos/TNR Feud

I said I would try to say something about this topic that didn't involve me just writing "DUMBASSES" a dozen times.

Thankfully, stranger at Blah3 did a great job of explaining the fallacies surrounding the feud that are being jumped on by nervous mainstream media types and dumbass rightwing bloggers. (I had to get one "dumbass" in.)

As to the actual feud itself, I am going to let my comment at Blah3 stand for now:

Briefly, I don't see the upside for the Dems in the feud.

If everything written about Markos is to be believed then Kos is running a "pay to play" cartel just like all the elite big-boys do by taking corporate money (even if the GOP are better at it) and the big guns are pissed at that? Pot meet kettle. Do I want to vote for a party with that level of hypocricy? Nope.

If all the things written about TNR are true then they are part of an elitist Democrat heirarchy of repuglican-lites who control the party and are squishing the netroot upstarts because they only want netroots money and PR but not to fork over the clout that should go with it. Yet Kos and the A-list Liberals still want us to contribute our cash, time, blogging and votes to said party. Are they fucking insane? Is it going to happen? Nope.

(Update 27th June It looks like Billmon is having similiar thoughts to the paragraph above, although as usual his thoughts are wonderfully written whereas mine were a quick scribble. Definitely worth a read.)

Moreover, do I want to read punditry written by people who have such out-of-whack logic? Maybe, but I will never quite trust them to try to be fair.

As I said...where's the upside for either the Dem establishment or the A-listers? No wonder the GOP and their own brand of shills are laughing so hard.

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