Monday, May 01, 2006

Joyner Takes Credit For Troops Efforts -Rewind

Update and Correction and Withdrawal
I wrote the post below at 7am after being awake half the night with an asthma attack (I get them from time to time and they suck). I should have known better than to try anything like thinking at that point and I leapt to a dumb conclusion. I'm going to leave the original post in place as a constant reminder to myself not to be so hellishly stupid in future.

James Joyner wrote in comments to the original post:
Dude. It was irony.

Indeed, how one could read the headline and "Aside from the facts that al Qaeda appears far from defeated and that the American public seems to have tired of the war effort even though Fox is the most popular network, this is some brilliant analysis" and think I was endorsing the article is beyond me.

An "aside" that undermines the entire thesis of the piece is pretty big, no?
I called him an idiot. I feel like one.

My apologies to everyone I inflicted this post on and James Joyner in particular.
10.50AM (After some sleep)


James Joyner has a post up entitled Al Qaeda Defeated by Fox News, Bloggers, and Bush ! Here's some of his purile reasoning on why he and his ilk have "defeated" Osama and Zarqawi:
Fox News, Matt Drudge, bloggers, and others would not let the liberal media get away with defeatest propaganda, the Bush administration is much less sensitive to bad press and poll numbers than its predecessor, and the terrorists miscalculated by turning its efforts against Iraqi civilians.
Joyner admits that Al Qaida is actually far from defeated and that the American public now think (rightly) that the occupation is a disaster no matter what his fellow shills may say - but he is quite happy with the neocon mouthpieces taking credit for any successes against Al Qaida so far.

Never mind the nascent civil war, eh James? Or the lack of reconstruction? The power of the militias? Would you like to take credit for those too? Because much of the credit goes to you and your cabal - the Benador bores and the JINSA jingoists. Could you say something about the efforts of Iraqis who don't want to see their nation as yours and Osama's playground any longer? Because it has to be said - your neocon brethren are as much to blame for the current situation in Iraq as Osama is.

Or maybe you would like to drop a word or two about how the troops actually fighting and bleeding in Iraq may have something to do with any success there has been?

No - it's OK to talk about supporting the troops but give them any credit or actual tangible thanks that matter a damn like better veterans care or protection from runaway debt? That would require human feelings and a lack of hubris.


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