Sunday, February 19, 2006

Republican Sociopaths

Some people are starting to get it, at last. The Republican Party has been hijacked by a coterie of dysfunctional sociopaths. I put a post up last November that could be regarded as Exhibit A for that claim.

R.J. Eskow gets it. Here's his latest at the Huffington Post:
The spectacle of a shooting victim forced to apologize for his wounds symbolizes the mental illness the "conservative" movement has become. The fact is, the word "conservative" has become a catch-all label for a group of pigs feeding at a trough. Their lack of conscience has risen to the clinical definition of "sociopathic."

...It's a damn shame, because, although I'm not a conservative, I've found much to admire and learn from in true conservative thought. The conservative intellectual vocabulary helped me during my work in Eastern European countries making the transition to capitalism. The invisible economy was visible everywhere under Communism, and centralized state control of many sectors was a clear failure.

That movement we call "conservatism" isn't conservative any more. They're selling out everything they once held dear for their own personal profit. To quote the poet Robinson Jeffers, "they'd s**t on the morning star if they could."
Of course, the sycophantic Right will continue to deny that they have been so blind as to not see what is staring them in the face. That's a classic, textbook, response by the victims of sociopaths. This from one of the standard descriptions of sociopathy and it's victims:

Since the follower cannot believe their leader would callously hurt them, they rationalize the behavior as necessary for their (or the group's) own "good" and deny the abuse. When devotees become aware of the exploitation it feels like a "spiritual rape" to them.

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