Saturday, December 10, 2005

Feral Hogs Hate The GOP

Via Loaded Mouth's aggregator I ended up at Corrente where lambert has a post about the correlation between feral hog populations and voting. Seems feral hogs only run amuck in areas that vote Republican:

The presence of feral hogs in a state is a strong indicator of its support for Bush. Twenty-three of the twenty-eight states with feral hogs voted for Bush. That’s more than four-fifths; states that went for Kerry, by contrast, were feral-hog states less than a fifth of the time.

The solidly feral-hog South was, of course, solidly for Bush. The small islands there without wild hogs—Little Rock, Raleigh Durham—voted for Kerry. Democrats who predicted a Kerry win in Florida in ‘04 might have been less confident had they known that all of Florida’s sixty-seven counties, even its urban ones, have feral hogs. Texas, a gimme for Bush, is the state in the Union with the most feral hogs. All the Northeastern states voted for Kerry. None of the Northeastern states have feral hogs—with one exception. That is New Hamphshire…. Is it merely coincidence that New Hampshire (Kerry fifty per cent, Bush forty-nine percent) is the Northeastern state Bush came closest to winning?
Corrente makes the mistake (if you don't know hogs, its an easy one) of assuming porcine types must be Republican and starts looking for recipes, however they don't have any explanantion for why California, in which 57 of 58 counties have feral hogs, still votes Democratic.

But I do. It's in protest at the Governator!

Obviously all those feral hogs would be happy and still on the farm if their home states voted Democrat, or Green, or Monster Raving Loony Party even - anything except Republican.

Us hogs just don't like living on the Republican version of Animal Farm and so we go feral as a political protest. It's the simplest explanation.

I think its time I changed the byline at the top of the blogpage.

(PS, yes there IS a Monster Raving Loony Party and it is worthier of your support than either the GOP or Joe Lieberman. It started in Britain but has spread to the USA. Look it up!)

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