Tuesday, October 25, 2005

WalMart Speaks Up For Minimum Wage Hike

As the pigs fly past my window here in the highest room of the highest tower of Castle Cernig I hear news that WalMart has "pledged to more closely monitor suppliers' factories for labor abuses, improve health benefits for employees and support an increase in the federal minimum wage".

Chief Executive H. Lee Scott Jr told reporters:

Wal-Mart would support an increase in the federal minimum wage from the current $5.15 an hour. On average, the company says, it pays full-time U.S. associates $9.68, so a higher minimum wage would have a much tougher effect on Wal-Mart's smaller rivals.

"While it is unusual for us to take a public position on a public policy issue of this kind," he said, "we simply believe it is time for Congress to take a responsible look at the minimum wage and other legislation that may help working families."

Good news even if it is an attempt to penetrate the coastal areas where WallyWorld has always had shorter shrift by accomodating more progressive business thinking. I'm sure that in time they will accept that better business practises lead to more profitable business. Best news of all is that the company will implement an independent monitoring program, which global labor experts maintain is crucial to proper oversight - which means it will be harder for them to backslide on their pledge.

It just goes to show, progressives have more of an impact than they sometimes give themselves credit for. I bet WalMart would now support Universal Healthcare too - if the costs could be kept in line with their new plan for their employees.

(Hat tip- Nathan Newman)

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