Thursday, September 29, 2005

Nurses Want Universal Healthcare

In military circles its often noted that the Top Gun types get all the new shiny toys and get good pay while the poor bloody infantry can't even get decent body armor while being paid for chit, yet its the ground troops who do all the real work.

So too in the health field.

Buried at the bottom of an article in the US National Library of Healthcare's mag Medeline Plus in which California doctors bemoan the overloaded state of emergency room services, note that doctors won't even get out of bed for less than $3,000 and then propose a solution that means they get even richer - comes the "money shot".

But Vicki Bermudez of the California Nurses Association said
approaches such as the doctors are promoting address only the
symptoms of a much deeper problem.

"It's a real concern the emergency room physicians are raising," she
said. "But it is a piecemeal way of looking at it.

We have to deal with the problem of the uninsured and not pretend
that the real problem is reimbursement for emergency rooms."

Despite its huge political obstacles, Emerson said, the nurses
association favors a national health insurance program that would
cover everyone. That way emergency rooms could return to the job of
treating emergencies, and the uninsured who now go there because
it's their only option when ill instead could go to their own
doctors or clinics for routine care.

Planners would always do well to listen to the poor bloody infantry.

(Hat tip to Kirkrrt)

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