Sunday, September 25, 2005

Newshog Roundup 25th Sept.

This feature used to be called Instahoglets but only a couple of people knew what that meant. It's a summary of the interesting stuff I came across that I didn't get time to blog about, presented in the Atrios style - a snarky punchpost and no detail. Go read the links.

  • The military are telling Bush they want to take the lead in responding to disasters. Which means Homeland Security has been one immense waste of time and $47 billion a year, right?

  • If you were ever conned into believing Republicans weren't led by a bunch of lying, cheating weasels then read this eye-opener on what's considered fair politics by the gangsters of the College Republicans.

  • Ever felt that your home country isn't your home anymore? You are not alone.

  • Left of Center points out why Bush's poll numbers really matter. They encourage the GOP cracks to grow.

  • Want to feel sick to your stomach? Try this apologia for Pres. Musharraf of Pakistan's recent claim that rape is a money-making scheme for women - brought to you by the rightwing nutters at

  • I've been saying for a long time that low income citizens don't vote because the corporate flunkeys of both major parties don't represent them. Here's the proof - if the Dems don't ditch the moneybags aristos thenm they will never, ever get elected. Since there's naff all chance of them ditching their big names, it's surely time for a third party - a New Labor Party.

  • Blair sold out the workers too - now with unions to the left of him and Brownites to...umm...the left of him too, will he survive the Valley of Death a.k.a. the Labour Party Conference this week?

  • Blair might survive if he manages to placate his party with a new plan for withdrawal from Iraq.

  • Oh yeah, I meant to ask...if its not about class or race - why is there is still Apartheid education in America?

  • GAO Says Tax Cuts Aren't Economically Viable. "We're on an imprudent, unsustainable fiscal path" says Government Accountability Office head David Walker in a new report on Thursday which the Bush administration has already said they intend to ignore.

  • Finally, Andrew Sullivan says Bush is a socialist - a statement so patently absurd as to even draw the ire of the faux-left, immigration-hating Blairites at Harry's Place blog.

    Thanks to Kat at TDG for some links
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