Saturday, September 17, 2005

Instahoglets 17th September

Some stuff I saw and meant to write more about.

  • This one has had exactly zero publicity in the US.

    "You must understand the environment in Pakistan. This has become a money-making concern...A lot of people say if you want to go abroad and get a visa for Canada or citizenship and be a millionaire, get yourself raped." President Musharraf of Pakistan.

    Someone remind me why this guy is supposed to be an ally in the great Crusade for Liberty and Freedom again?

  • "Their operation in Afghanistan failed, their war in Iraq has been won (as the saying goes) by Iran, Katrina was allowed to produce the worst natural disaster in US history, and terrorist activities are increasing." In a person such a massive and systematic disconnect from reality would indicate madness. Is the Bush administration clinically insane?

  • US president George Bush's promise to rebuild New Orleans and the Gulf coast "higher and better" has triggered a wave of anxiety among conservatives in his own party, who are shocked at the expansion of the federal role in disaster relief.

  • Talk about small government but actually DO big government, that's the Bush way. Oh, and shall we mention making it easier to declare martial law? Oh, I think we shall.

  • Pssst..sometimes getting drunk and getting in trouble becomes a family habit.

  • Kudos to the folks who make the "Girls Gone Wild" series. No, honest! They quietly upped and donated the revenue (not profit - revenue!) from every Mardi-Gras related title, which is about a third of all the videos, to the Red Cross.

  • What should we do with a conservative commentator who makes up his own Pullitzer Prize award? I expect him to be hired by Rove's office any day now to help spin the Katrina reconstruction. Maybe he can make up a bunch of qualifications to be the next director of FEMA.

  • Is it worthwhile to pay the "equivalent of a few martinis" to read the New York Times online? Well, maybe it is if after swilling lattes all day you can afford a few martinis. This poor leftie boy is going to be reading elsewhere in future. Any supposedly liberal newspaper that can barefacedly use that kind of phrase about its payment structure doesn't deserve my patronage.
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