Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pentagon Can't Find "Able Danger" Evidence

There's a new elephant in the room to join that of Republican commission members who apparently mysteriously decided to cover up the failings of a Democratic appointee.

A Pentagon investigation has found no evidence that Able Danger, a secret military intelligence operation, identified September 11 hijacker Mohamed Atta as a terror cell member more than a year before the attacks.

Larry Di Rita, chief Pentagon spokesman, said investigators have failed to find a chart that Able Danger supposedly created before the winter of 2000 that listed Atta as a member of an al Qaeda cell in Brooklyn, N.Y. Army Reserve Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer has told reporters and cable news shows that Able Danger had created such a chart and that Pentagon attorneys in 2000 had blocked moves to provide the information to the FBI. Rep. Curt Weldon, Pennsylvania Republican and vice chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, has backed Col. Shaffer's assertion. But Mr. Di Rita said investigators have not found any evidence that such a chart existed.

"We have been very aggressive," Mr. Di Rita told The Washington Times. "We haven't been able to find anything that would corroborate the kind of detail Lt. Col. Shaffer and Congressman Weldon seem to recall."

It's amusing to hear this and then watch the rightwing roll out words and phrases like "uncutting credibility", "public-relations recovery" and even "coverup" get used.

Hello? A month ago you were telling the left we should always trust the Pentagon when they gave us news on Iraq and now they are to be mistrusted?

Feel the intellectual disconnect!

At least Swabbie Ed (he says I can call him that) doesn't tie himself into such pretzels - something he gets my respect for (along with his sense of humor). You're on the wrong side but you are OK, Ed, much like my UPC pal Harky. Do you have an explanation for the Republican elephant in the room? Hark says maybe the Rebubs are just as guilty of something but we just haven't found out what yet.

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