Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Fetish Fair Provokes Backlash

Congratulations to Mayor Klaus Wowereit of Berlin for having the courage to stand up to the pickled-onion suckers of the socially conservative right. The openly gay mayor has sent a message of welcome to the the crowds at the Folsom Europe festival, Europe's premier fetish fair which is in Berlin this weekend for the second time.

We are proud that people of varied origins and predilections feel at home in our city and celebrate together. The first weekend in September will be marked by pure joie de vivre ... The international leather and fetish scene is meeting for the second time in Berlin ... Welcome to Berlin

The Christian Democrats in the Berlin State legislature were none too pleased, describing the welcome as "unpeakable" and saying "Glorifying violence and sadomasochistic excesses is to begin opting out of society."

They should know that their small-minded appraisal is inaccurate. The signature ethos of the fetish scene is "safe, sane and consensual" and they probably take more care of their loved ones under all circumstances than the average puckered-arse social conservative has ever dreamed off, including spending far more time on meaningful communication and relationship problem-solving.

I can't be the only one that thinks every single social conservative and christian anti-fun pedant would find their life improved by a half dozen or so really good orgasms!

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