Monday, August 15, 2005

Call That A Constitution?

Imagine if the Founding Fathers had tried this:

Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish framers of the charter had reached a tentative deal late Monday, resolving issues ranging from oil revenues to the country's name but putting off decision on the most contentious questions — including federalism, women's rights, the role of Islam and possible Kurdish autonomy.

Call that a constitution? We know what the country will be called and who will get the oil money - but not what rights the citizens will have, what basis of ethics the nation will have or even how much of the present country will be a part of that nation.

The Iraqis have seven days to fix (or decide to ignore) all the biggest problems that so far have seemed unfixable and then:

"If we don't reach an agreement," [Kurdish minister Barhem Saleh] said, "then the National Assembly will be dissolved, and we will call for general elections for a new National Assembly."

Which would be the cue for increased insurgent activity and most probably outright civil war. Then again, if they decide to adopt a constitution with all those issues left outside in the cold the same things will happen.

Not good.

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