Monday, May 23, 2005

Laser Firm Corruption Involves CIA Staff, Senate Bigwig

I hardly know what to say about this. I read, I stopped, my mouth hung open in amazement at how such a tale could have avoided making huge waves until now. Much of the information comes from the New York Post, hardly a bastion of the "liberal media," and from the Post's business columnist Christopher Byron at that.

Via DefenceTech, the scandalous tale of a high-tech laser weapon manufacturer which alleges intellectual property theft, insider shares dealing by CIA staff and the willingness of Senate Appropriations Committee chief Thad Cochran to steer $12 million in Government money the company's way in return for $9,000 in campaign contributions, and a promise to relocate to Cochran's home state of Mississippi.

Doubtless many will say "business as usual" and forget to add "which is why so few trust those in Government in the US".

Shit like this is why I have anarchist/libertarian leanings. Is there such a thing as an honest politician or is the definition of an honest politician one that stays bought?

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