Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The 5-Minute Briefing: US courts showdown

My American friends may be interested in seeing how those across the pond view the interminable dispute over judicial nominations, filibusters and nuclear options.

Isn't this a bit excessive, for a few federal judges?

The stakes are much higher than that. The judiciary has become the main battleground in the culture wars that have taken over US politics. Many Republicans and their Christian conservative allies say the federal bench, where appointments are for life, has become the last redoubt of liberals seeking to rewrite laws to their taste, and denying the will of the country's conservative majority. As the intervention of Congress in the Terry Schiavo case shows, many Republicans want to bring the judiciary to heel. Raising tensions are up to three impending vacancies on the Supreme Court. This could give Mr Bush a chance to shape the high court's philosophy for a generation.

The Independent assesses the odds of a deal as "touch and go at best". Their reasoning is that "Mr Frist almost certainly plans a Presidential run in 2008, and may resign his seat when it comes up in 2006. His top priority is the backing of Christian conservatives, not the smooth functioning of the Senate."

Sometimes you have to step back to see things clearly - in this case about a 3,000 mile step back.

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