Friday, April 08, 2005

UN To Fully Investigate Hariri Assasination

The UN Security Council has authorised a full probe of the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri by a vote of 15 - 0.

The size of the commission hasn't been determined, though the authors of the Fitzgerald report had recommended a group of 50, acting US Ambassador Anne Patterson said.

"It's not going to be small," she said, adding the mission would include experts focused solely on explosives, forensics or other highly technical fields. Ensuring its security would also be a major factor.

It looks like the UN is good for something after all, no matter that many like Glenn Reynolds think it should be abolished.

If the US can use the "few bad apples" rationale so often, surely here is one time when others can use it with reason. Reform is definitely needed and perhaps those who have been identified as incompetent must go but there is no doubt the UN still has an important role to play in world affairs.

After all, many regard the current leadership of the US as incompetent and corrupt, but no-one is seriously calling for the Union to be dissolved and the various states to become nations in their own rights.

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