Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Now THIS is a Man With A Dream - Gordon Brown

Hey, my leftwing American friends, don't you wish you had someone like this?

"I want to call this party to a new crusade, a new crusade into which we invite all those who are concerned about child poverty to build a country where, once and for all, the shadow of child poverty, which falls across far too many young lives, is lifted from our nation and the shame of child poverty eradicated for future generations."

"Let it be said of us that we had a vision, that our dream was always more than a small change here and there or a rearrangement of the status quo, that our idealism, even if tempered by events, was never lost and always led us on and what we sought was greater than just the fairness other parties talk about."

- Gordon Brown at the UK Labour Party's Scottish Conference.

Now that's what I am talking about! And "Broon" is just the man to make it happen. Such a pity he isn't SNP leader.

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