Monday, March 21, 2005

We've Got Your Punditry Right Here

It's about time I did a roundup of what's going on with my fellow Unpaid Punditry Corps members, so without further ado:

  • The UPC hub blog has items and snippets from all the members, along with more information on who the UPC are and what we are trying to do. Check out the summary of the recent "Gravitational Pull-ups" challenge, where we all tried to name three politicians from the 'other side' that we respected. It makes for interesting reading. This week's challenge is to come up with a third-party candidate we would each like to see run for US President in 2008. That's a toughie. You are welcome to put forward your own suggestions too, by the way.

  • I haven't blogged at all on the subject of Terri Schiavo as I feel totally unqualified to comment. Luckily, Simianbrain has the subject covered with some truly insightful and occasionally satirical blogging. Check out her posts on living wills, rightwing exploitation of the whole story, the idiocy of trying to outlaw death, and how the House's latest move effectively makes the government the final arbiter of your marriage. Damn, the girl is good.

  • Fester has a knowledgeable post on why the US armed forces are having such huge problems with recruitment and retention. The lack of mission credibility seems to be the main factor.

  • Over at Pike Speak, John has produced one of his classics, as he tears apart arguments against gay marriage. Witty, passionate, erudite - blogging at it's best, John.

  • Harkonnendog has a blast against the McCain/Feingold bill and pledges If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not obey those rules. I am with him on that. As a Brit without a US vote, there is no way I am paying every time I say something nice about an American political candidate. It gets even more ridiculous once I move back to Scotland - how are they going to collect from a foreign citizen living overseas? It's plain dumb. Come back to the real world, guys - the internet is supranational.

  • PSoTD gets all worked up over an interview with mainstream journalist Gwen Ifill, which shows in a nutshell what is wrong with mainstream journalism in the US - lack of commitment.

  • Mr M at Left of Center has been busy working on UPC administration duties for us all, as well as a hectic personal life, and has been on light blogging this week. Hopefully he will find time to produce more soon, as we all miss his ability to produce stuff like this, a systematic indictment of the worrying trend towards revisionist history on the right.

    We also have two blogs currently applying for UPC membership:

  • Dean at Blue Glow Worm has a post on the World in 2050, as well as some other fun stuff. Be sure to also look at his read on there being “No rational purpose” for denying marriage to gay couples.

  • Goose at Comments from Left Field has long been a favourite of mine. His latest deals with the tricky subject of creationist wingbats - seems they are pressuring IMAX theatres across the South to stop showing movies that mention evolution or might show that the Earth's history is not as the bible recounts it.

    Check them out.
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