Saturday, March 05, 2005

UPC Update

You may have noticed a blogroll over to the right headed the "Unpaid Punditry Corps". More about the UPC soon but in the meantime all you need to know is it's a new confederation of bloggers from left right and centre who all want to engage in actual discussions instead of playground name-calling. Here's what's new at other member's sites.

  • Harkonnendog is amazed because it seems like Bush is defending the interests of the left. "Apparently the Senate republicans were all set to change the Senate rules so that judicial nominee filibustering was impossible. It was a done deal, until BUSH INTERVENED, and now it is too late." Although it sems many another rightwing pundit is saying it was all Karl Rove's idea when he realised that -

    without the filibuster there was nothing to stop them from nominating judges who would cling to a hard right-wing agenda on Roe v. Wade and other issues, permanently alienating much of the country and driving a stake into GOP efforts to reach out to independents and women.

    Harky isn't so sure. I'm glad to hear it, Harky. If the right becomes as scared of Prince Karl as much of the left is, it will not be good for politics.

  • Mr M at Left of Center is thanking God for the existence of Pat Robertson on slow news days. It seems Pat is still banging on about how Dungeons and Dragons encourages demonic possession and how when a woman gets married "in a Christian marriage, she is supposed to submit to the authority of her husband in matters of spiritual activity." I wonder if John Pike is embarassed to be a member of the same party as Pat?

  • Over at PSoTD, you can find out why the Pennsylvania Democratic Party won't be having it's own interactive two-way blog. Seems they are too poor, and so hired a consultant from Massachusetts to tell them they couldn't have one - even though they could blogspot it for free and there's a queue of local bloggers willing to write it for nada too! However, they WILL be getting a blog focussed on the re-election of Governor Ed Rendell. It seems that "the party has made the decision they are not going to pursue any effective avenue for the two-way communication with the grass/netroots."

    Howard? Get a grip on these morons!
  • 1 comment:

    Cernig said...

    Thanks for the comment, John. Certainly, it would fit with what was revealed in "those tapes" if Bush was playing along the conservative christians for their votes without really doing anything majorly drastic in terms of their agenda (although the faith-based sex-ed and HIV control stuff is pretty damn bad).

    But do you thing the rest of us can count on that ploy continuing?

    Regards, C