Monday, February 21, 2005

Condi and Georgie Sittin' In a Tree...

Recently, Newshog's Favourite Rightie drew my attention to this article by a rightwing pundit, convincingly putting a case why Condi Rice should not consider running for President in 2008. Hark himself also had this to say about Condi.

The REAL reason Condi is not presidential material is because she is madly in love with Dubya. No kidding. Look at her when she looks at him. Watch her face light up when asked about him. I mean Atlas couldn't resist the force of Condi's crush. With Bush retired to his ranch she'll have lost her lodestone and have to begin anew. No doubt she will. However, she should not be President during the process.

He got some agreement in comments too, including my reference to Condi's famous freudian slip during a dinner party where she said “As I was telling my husb—” and then stopping herself abruptly, before saying, “As I was telling President Bush.”

But now I see that the rightwing bloggers have taken Condi to their collective bosoms. Maybe Uncle Karl has a cunning plan* - have Condi lose in 2008 so that the Democrats can take the blame for Bush's huge overdrafts at the bank.

Obviously anyone halfway competent (like Hilary Clinton or the terror of Fox on Sunday, Bilden) is therefore the wrong candidate to put against her. I suggest the Democrats field the Budweisser donkey. The branding image is already strong.

*I intend blaming Karl Rove for everything not obviously someone else's fault now, including the weather, in an attempt to show up liberals' irrational fear of the "unbeatable spinmeister". He still puts his pants on one leg at a time, folks. Or maybe he gets Condi to do that for him...?

1 comment:

Harkonnendog said...

wow I'd never even read about that slip.
I'm having some second thoughts about this, though. Having a female black president, even if she wasn't that good, would do so much for race relations in the U.S. that it might be worth it...
Of course that assumes she'd win. But how could she not? Without 90% of the black vote dems would be hopeless.
If Republicans DO nominate Condi Dems will have to nominate someone black in return, just to hold their base. 2008 will be interesting.