Sunday, January 30, 2005

Sure, It's about the OIL says conservative blogger

Via Moderate Voice I think I have just found my favourite conservative blogger, Pike Speak by John Pike.

Here is an example of why:

Don't delude yourself. All of our interests in the Middle East are about oil. And they have been since the 1920's. And they must be, and they should be defended with all of our military might and our national will. Unfortunately, no President has ever been honest with the American people. I disagree with this policy. The United States MUST be an imperial power, just as France, Russian, England, and Germany too attempt to exert imperial influence in the Middle East. America is just more determined to be the winner, and with our dominating military there is no country in the world that can do anything except wave a U.N. vote at us.

The guy is engagingly honest about what conservatives really think and isn't afraid to speak out when he thinks his right-wing brethren are in it up to their hips. If we were to invite a conservative or two to co-blog at Newshog (and we have thought about it) I would want them to write and think like John Pike.

Here are some more examples of his writing style - clear, incisive, unfettered by the party line. Good stuff for a sometimes painfully honest look at how the right thinks.

  • Why rightwingers who mindlessly toe the Republican Party line piss him off over their attacks on Andrew Sullivan.

  • What we say - Liberal vs. Progressive vs. Conservative vs. Evangelical-fascist - From the left end of the spectrum to the right.

    Have a look, see what I mean.