Friday, April 27, 2007

Pete Hitchens on Iran, Part 2

By Cernig

Peter Hitchens, the more conservative but less war-loving brother of Chris, has the second part of his Iran Diary up at his Daily Mail blog. I linked last week to his great first part and the second part is worth a read too. He ends with:
Disapproving of other people's countries is easy, and cost-free. Seeking to force our will on them will usually end in tragedy. But learning from them, and seeking to understand them, may just help us to understand our own countries better, to value what is good in them and to preserve it. It may also protect us from silly demagogues who wish to panic us into conflicts that will do us no possible good. I had half-expected to be glad to leave Iran last Wednesday morning. As it turned out, I was sorry to go and I already long to be back there.

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