Monday, February 21, 2005

Here We Go Again

It was the summer of 2004. John Kerry was picking up the nomination for the Democratic presidential candidate, and at the time, everyone involved with the campaign decided that playing it nice was the way to go.

On the other side, while they may have said that they wanted to play it straight, one of the most vicious and prominent examples of smear campaigning in modern politics was born. Unleashed unto the world, with lies now debunked, designed to destroy the honor of an honorable man was the worst of 527 groups; Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

The Kerry campaign decided to ignore the ads of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. The tactic allowed the group to dismantle one of Kerry's strongest political weapons. Against foes past, Kerry was able to use his experience in Vietnam to great effect. But as the SBVT continued digging away, public opinion of Kerry's service began to turn a little ugly. By the time the Kerry campaign and other interested parties began to move against the SBVT, the damage had already been done.

History is like a broken record.

While no one is up for election any time in the near future, there is a huge national campaign going on. One for the future of Social Security. Since they worked so well once, why not use them again?

From the people who brought you lies about Kerry's service in Vietnam comes the next dirty tricks campaign against a sane Social Security plan. As the AARP has mobilized to stop Bush's privatization plan, consultants from the SBVT are beginning to mobilize against the AARP.

I think this will be funny. Imagine the possibilities:

Ominous music plays as a black and white image of a blue-haired grandmother clipping coupons appears on screen.

"Gladys Offenboffel of the AARP is one of the staunchest opponents of the president's Social Security tan." Scene change to Gladys walking through a super market using a walker.

"Gladys Offenboffel also claims to be a seventy-three year old retiree, but can we trust her?" As Gladys brings in the last bag of her groceries, she sets them down and removes a wig and mask showing her to be in her mid twenties. In one corner of the screen there is, in print too small to be legible, "dramatization."

"No, Gladys Offenboffel is not a retiree. She can't be trusted, and..." image of three purple hearts in a red circle with a bar through it, "...she lied about her purple hearts."

Honestly, how serious of smear campaign can you run against a group of retirees? Well, it looks as though we will find out soon enough. The only advice I can give to the AARP is that they need to learn from Kerry's mistakes. Take USA Next seriously, and take them on early. Don't hesitate to reveal them for the liars that they are right from the gate, and you may have a chance.

Mr. M

Crossposted from Left of Center.


Harkonnendog said...

Interesting, but it is still he said he said. Some of the SBVT claims were corroborated... such as Christmas in Cambodia and that one Kerry's purple hearts was given for a self inflicted wound.

Cernig said...

Hark, can you drop me an email at cernig[AT]dailygrail[dot]com? (gotta beat those pesky spambots)I have a couple of things I want to discuss with you outwith any comments threads. Ta, Cernig

Anonymous said...

Hark, the wound was never proven to be self inflicted. One medic (paid by a supporter of the SBVT)who didn't treat Kerry, but was at the same place at the same time, said it looked self inflicted. Not really proof.
The head of SBVT, John Oneil, was filmed telling Nixon that he was in Cambodia. I watched it on CNN twice. Fox never ran it and CNN never got an comment from Oneil on it. He lost his credibility when that was contrasted with his sworn deposition for the SBVTs saying he had never been in Cambodia.
Kerry may not have been in Cambodia over Christmas, but I don't think the SBVT were truthful.